In our P4-7 Gaelic class language learning is part of the every day, with Gaelic being the main language of the classroom. Pupils also have French as L3 which is taught through Gaelic. We made our language learning a bit more special for European Day of Languages and ended up with a week of celebrations.
On Friday, P4, who are just starting out with French, shared a working breakfast of croissants and hot chocolate while learning the numbers to 20. We did some matching of numerals to French words, sang and danced to a numbers song, played bingo and kept it all secret from P6 and 7 pupils!
On Monday, all of P4-7 were able to share an amazing European breakfast with hot chocolate, baguette, cheeses and meats from all round Europe. This was thanks to a very generous donation from our local Morrison’s community champion Stephanie. Pupils were able to try new foods and enjoy some favourites. We followed this by some map work, using atlases to plot and name European countries in Gaelic.
At the end of the week, it was back to P4 and P5 to have a French session – and another breakfast! Pain au chocolat and fruit juice were enjoyed while practising answering questions about choices of plates, cups and juices in French. We read some French stories after our breakfast to fit in with the Ness Book Festival challenge and pupils understood a surprising amount of vocabulary, joining in with some of the noises in ‘La chasse à l’ours.’ We learned vocabulary for members of the family, identifying family members in the books we read. We again finished with a game of Bingo, this is becoming a weekly event!
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